I need to reflect on this whole section much more, but in the one part in the "humility" reading, this I highlighted "For the growth of this virtue, one can grow in humility by practicing one of these aspects of humility each month, and thus have a yearlong training in humility in the school of Mary. These virtues are not to be studied, but exercised."
To focus on one degree of humility at a time, instead of reading the list and thinking....how can I ever get "there"?! I must note one and have it with the daily Mass readings.....so I remember what I am focusing on because there are so many distractions! Oh Mary, our Mother, and Jesus, our Savior, open our hearts for the graces waiting and ready.

The book we are using for this blog "The Echo of God" is a commentary for beginners on St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort's True Devotion to Mary. The entire purpose of the blog is to help each of us to grow in our love for Jesus and His and our mother, Mary. The Echo of God will assist any reader who finds difficulty in appropriating Montfort's sublime teaching on the role of Mary in the formation of saints for the latter times.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Upstate NY
Just to keep everyone updated... The reason I went so far ahead on the Reading List was because I will be spending the last two weeks of May in upstate New York (Plattsburgh area) caring for my mom. I will have internet connection so I hope to keep reading, reflecting and posting.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Corrine, St. Faustina and Our Lady Prayer
When I saw this....I thought it fit into what we are reading....
Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska’s Prayer to Mary
O Mary, Immaculate Virgin,
Pure crystal for my heart,
You are my strength, O secure anchor!
You are a shield and protection for a weak heart.
O Mary, you are pure and unparalleled,
Virgin and Mother at one and the same time;
You are beautiful as the sun, by nothing defiled.
Nothing is worthy of comparison to the image of Your soul.
Your beauty enthralled the Thrice-Holy One’s eye,
That He came down from heaven, forsaking th’eternal See’s throne,
And assumed from Your Heart Body and Blood,
Hiding for nine months in the Virgin's Heart.
O Mother, Virgin, this will no one comprehend,
That the infinite God is becoming a man;
It’s only love’s and His inscrutable mercy’s purpose. Through You, Mother---it’s given us to live with Him for ever.
O Mary, Virgin Mother and Heaven’s Gate, Through You salvation came to us;
Every grace to us streams forth through Your hands,
And faithful imitation of You only will sanctify me.
O Mother, Virgin---most beautiful Lily.
Your heart was for Jesus the first tabernacle on earth,
And that, because Your humility was the deepest,
Wherefore You were raised above Angel choirs and Saints.
O Mary, my sweet Mother,
To You I turn over my soul, my body and my poor heart,
Be the safeguard of my life,
Especially at death’s hour, in the final fight." (Diary, 161)
Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska’s Prayer to Mary
O Mary, Immaculate Virgin,
Pure crystal for my heart,
You are my strength, O secure anchor!
You are a shield and protection for a weak heart.
O Mary, you are pure and unparalleled,
Virgin and Mother at one and the same time;
You are beautiful as the sun, by nothing defiled.
Nothing is worthy of comparison to the image of Your soul.
Your beauty enthralled the Thrice-Holy One’s eye,
That He came down from heaven, forsaking th’eternal See’s throne,
And assumed from Your Heart Body and Blood,
Hiding for nine months in the Virgin's Heart.
O Mother, Virgin, this will no one comprehend,
That the infinite God is becoming a man;
It’s only love’s and His inscrutable mercy’s purpose. Through You, Mother---it’s given us to live with Him for ever.
O Mary, Virgin Mother and Heaven’s Gate, Through You salvation came to us;
Every grace to us streams forth through Your hands,
And faithful imitation of You only will sanctify me.
O Mother, Virgin---most beautiful Lily.
Your heart was for Jesus the first tabernacle on earth,
And that, because Your humility was the deepest,
Wherefore You were raised above Angel choirs and Saints.
O Mary, my sweet Mother,
To You I turn over my soul, my body and my poor heart,
Be the safeguard of my life,
Especially at death’s hour, in the final fight." (Diary, 161)
Carmela - Keep The Blog Going!
Easter blessings to all!
I would love for the blog to continue. It has been difficult for me to do much of anything these past few weeks due to awful chronic pain and illness. The postings have been helpful and bring a sense of connectedness especially at those times when pain and illness can shower us with many temptations to "just quit." I have been reading the blogs and going through the book - ever so slowly - but I hope to begin posting again this weekend. There is always "something" in each and every post that I can take and hold for myself. Thanks Ruth for keeping this up and running. I ask for prayers as it has been very difficult for doctors to treat me as I am allergic to almost every med on the market! Peace to all!
I would love for the blog to continue. It has been difficult for me to do much of anything these past few weeks due to awful chronic pain and illness. The postings have been helpful and bring a sense of connectedness especially at those times when pain and illness can shower us with many temptations to "just quit." I have been reading the blogs and going through the book - ever so slowly - but I hope to begin posting again this weekend. There is always "something" in each and every post that I can take and hold for myself. Thanks Ruth for keeping this up and running. I ask for prayers as it has been very difficult for doctors to treat me as I am allergic to almost every med on the market! Peace to all!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Echo of God Reading List #4
Monday, May 2 Catch-up Day
Tuesday, May 3 par. 118 - 119
Wednesday, May 4 Application Questions p. 105-106
Thursday, May 5 par. 120 - 122 (Tom & Ruth's Anniversary #38)
Friday, May 6 par. 123 - 125
Saturday, May 7 Application Questions p. 110
Sunday, May 8 par. 126 - 129
Monday, May 9 par. 130 - 134
Tuesday, May 10 Application Questions p. 115
Wednesday, May 11 par. 134 - 138
Thursday, May 12 Application Questions p. 118
Friday, May 13 par. 139 - 143
Saturday, May 14 Application Questions p. 122
Sunday, May 15 par. 144 - 146
Monday, May 16 par. 147 - 150
Tuesday, May 17 Application Questions p. 127
Wednesday, May 18 par. 151 - 154
Thursday, May 19 par. 155 - 156
Friday, May 20 par. 157 - 158
Saturday, May 21 par. 159 - 164
Sunday, May 22 par. 165 - 168
Monday, May 23 Application Questions p. 143
Tuesday, May 24 par. 169 - 170
Wednesday, May 25 Application Questions p. 145
Thursday, May 26 par. 171 - 172
Friday, May 27 Application Questions p. 146
Saturday, May 28 par. 173 - 176
Sunday, May 29 par. 177 - 183
Monday, May 30 Application Questions p. 153
Tuesday, May 31 par. 184 - 190
Wednesday, June 1 par. 191 - 196
Thursday, June 2 par. 197 - 200
Friday, June 3 Application Questions p. 163
Janette: Par 105
Par 105 - "After having laid bare and condemned the false devotions to the most holy Virgin, we must, in a few words, give the characteristics of true devotion. It must be: 1. Interior. 2. Tender. 3. Holy 4. Constant, and 5. Disinterested." Dear St Louis, you have my utmost attention! Please pray with us and for us - that it may be so ... with and for all of us!!!!!
Janette: Par 87- 89 - Fifth Truth
"We need Mary in order to preserve the graces and treasures we have received from God." This section is worth its weight in gold and is a most perfect prelude into the false devotions section (which MaryJo just referred to). I read and re-read Par 87-89 where St Louis unfolds much about the temptations that come from outside of ourselves - the world, the flesh and the devil. Mary is the remedy! In summation by Fr Harlow - "The decisive fault by which we succumb to temptation is our lacking in humility." Again - Mary is the model and remedy! (Don't skip this section no matter how far behind you feel you are!)Ruth - PLEASE don't close or forego this blog - I look forward to the next Reading List to be posted. Keep us going - and growing!
I am really enjoying this book. I don't usually post anything, but I wanted to let you know this is a good study. I am afraid I wouldn't have found it on my own and it has already helped me in my spiritual growth. I am just starting where he is going to tell us the false devotions, so maybe I can catch up today! Mary Jo
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Ruth Par. 95 -
In par. 95, I like how the structure of the Hail Mary was pointed out. "St. Louis uses the structure of the Hail Mary (Luke 1:41) to emphasize that blessing Mary first leads to blessing Jesus more perfectly." "Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy women, Jesus." Mary as a blessed women brought us Jesus. Thank you, Mary!
At the end of par. 99 the author us the True Devotion lifestyle involves in the basic Christian duty to:
--avoid mortal sin;
--practice mortification;
--pray and fast. I guess that Lent is really just practice for the rest of the year. I am really blessed that our pastor continually reminds us of these three elements of the spiritual life in his daily homilies. Now to live it out.
Par. 100 includes what I felt could be a prayer for ourselves as well as for our loved ones who are away from the church. "Lord, give _____(my family members) the intention of obtaining from God, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the grace of contrition and pardon of sins and the grace to conquer their (his/her/my) evil habits, and not to remain quietly in the state of sin."
Par. 101 was music to my ears. Sometimes I find I have committed to too much and it all becomes words from the lips not from the head and heart. Here we are warned that it would be better for a person to choose a few prayers and fulfill them with faithfulness and love, in spite of the world, the devil and the flesh. It is part of a warning but I guess it applies to me. The author adds explaining we should .... "practice one devotion well, with a renewed resolved of the will and with frequent recourse to spiritual direction and making a good examination of conscience."
The above is part of my desire to stick with this book. In the past I have read half a book and then been given another book and read part of that and it continues. I have a huge bookshelf of half read spiritual books. After reading the last book on True Devotion I felt called to continue that focus so I am committed to reading this book and to making, with Mary's help, True Devotion a focus in my life.
At the end of par. 99 the author us the True Devotion lifestyle involves in the basic Christian duty to:
--avoid mortal sin;
--practice mortification;
--pray and fast. I guess that Lent is really just practice for the rest of the year. I am really blessed that our pastor continually reminds us of these three elements of the spiritual life in his daily homilies. Now to live it out.
Par. 100 includes what I felt could be a prayer for ourselves as well as for our loved ones who are away from the church. "Lord, give _____(my family members) the intention of obtaining from God, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the grace of contrition and pardon of sins and the grace to conquer their (his/her/my) evil habits, and not to remain quietly in the state of sin."
Par. 101 was music to my ears. Sometimes I find I have committed to too much and it all becomes words from the lips not from the head and heart. Here we are warned that it would be better for a person to choose a few prayers and fulfill them with faithfulness and love, in spite of the world, the devil and the flesh. It is part of a warning but I guess it applies to me. The author adds explaining we should .... "practice one devotion well, with a renewed resolved of the will and with frequent recourse to spiritual direction and making a good examination of conscience."
The above is part of my desire to stick with this book. In the past I have read half a book and then been given another book and read part of that and it continues. I have a huge bookshelf of half read spiritual books. After reading the last book on True Devotion I felt called to continue that focus so I am committed to reading this book and to making, with Mary's help, True Devotion a focus in my life.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Dear Blogging Friends,
Since the wedding break I have had such a hard time getting reconnected with the book and blog. I apologize for not being as disciplined as I should be.
Do any of you want to continue with the blog or are you working your way through the book without it. I find the author's notes after each paragraph to be very good, reinforcing and explaining the text.
I plan to continue to read the book and will continue with the blog if others are willing. Just let me know.
I hope you are having a joyous Easter season as Christ's resurrection strengthens our faith and gives us hope. He is risen!
I look forward to your reply.
Since the wedding break I have had such a hard time getting reconnected with the book and blog. I apologize for not being as disciplined as I should be.
Do any of you want to continue with the blog or are you working your way through the book without it. I find the author's notes after each paragraph to be very good, reinforcing and explaining the text.
I plan to continue to read the book and will continue with the blog if others are willing. Just let me know.
I hope you are having a joyous Easter season as Christ's resurrection strengthens our faith and gives us hope. He is risen!
I look forward to your reply.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Ruth: Par. 88
What a wonderful message to read during Holy Week. Tom who is up to date with his readings told me I would really appreciate this reading.
There are several circumstances in my life where I can see the evil one working overtime to destroy relationships, friendships and marriages. The lack of humility is evident in the situations. Now the author points out how Mary is a remedy and guards us from the evil one's attacks.
(Oh, Lord, thank you for Mary. May your mother always be my mother and lead me closer to you while safeguarding me from the evil one. May she be my solid armor along with the Word of God.)
We need all the help we can get as we live in this spiritually dangerous world.
There are several circumstances in my life where I can see the evil one working overtime to destroy relationships, friendships and marriages. The lack of humility is evident in the situations. Now the author points out how Mary is a remedy and guards us from the evil one's attacks.
(Oh, Lord, thank you for Mary. May your mother always be my mother and lead me closer to you while safeguarding me from the evil one. May she be my solid armor along with the Word of God.)
We need all the help we can get as we live in this spiritually dangerous world.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Carol--2nd week
I am just getting caught up. I just finished the week two reading list. My husband is having surgery Monday and hopefully I will be able to do week three while he is being operated on. I am so happy that I am not the only one way behind. Clay is way past week three. Please keep him in your prayers on Monday. Thanks everyone.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Janette: Par 75
St Louis: "The strongest inclination of Mary is to unite us to Jesus Christ, her Son; and the strongest inclination of the Son is that we should come to Him through His holy Mother." May we approach and live this truth of true devotion with liberty, without fear.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Corrine: Parag. 68-76
Paragraph 68 Second Truth: We belong to Jesus & Mary as their slaves. We are expected to bear fruit for God. Through 1 Corinthians 6…. “Therefore glorify God in your body.” We are not here for ourselves. How many times do I need to be told that to live it! Paragraphs 69-72…I think I understand the “slave” concept now. Before reading this in this book I cringed when the author spoke of being slave (probably from previous connotation with that word, slave). #70 St. Louis said “because by slavery of the will we make choice of God and His service above all things…slavery of the will is the most perfect and most glorious to God…” In the commentary “in our lifestyle of true devotion we give our hearts & wills over to Jesus through Mary.” Then he mentioned the false starts and the retreats to selfishness (thanks for admitting that of us) but that we just keep up our efforts through mortification and spiritual growth…with that we will see that we must trust in God’s providence every moment. #72 We are to be a slave out of love as Jesus and Mary were. And they didn't even complain along the way! #75 St. Louis: “the strongest inclination of Mary is to unite us to Jesus Christ, her Son; and the strongest inclination of the Son is that we should come to Him through His holy Mother.” #76 We are all subject to Mary as Queen Mother and we honor Jesus as we make ourselves slaves of love to His Mother and so also to Jesus Himself.
A slave out of love...a temple of the Holy Spirit...heart and will over to Jesus through Mary...bear fruit for God. So many things to absorb and live!
A slave out of love...a temple of the Holy Spirit...heart and will over to Jesus through Mary...bear fruit for God. So many things to absorb and live!
Corrine: Parag. 61-67
In the process of catching up, I’ll copy & paste this in, parag. 40-54.
#40 It is incredible how many ways St. Louis shows that devotion to Mary (and then devotion to Jesus) is necessary for our salvation. #44 He says how we receive many graces from Mary when giving everything over to her. #50 We have to know her in order to seek her. Must pray daily for the gift of true devotion. #54 Mary will always expose Satan’s plots and guard us from him. What a Mother she is!
Paragraph 61 First Truth: Jesus is the last end of devotion to Mary: St. Louis stated that every one of us who is not united to Jesus “shall be fit only to be cast into the fire.” #62 Devotion to Mary is the means of our serving Jesus and loving Him. #67 As St. Louis prays to Jesus he mentions the many titles of Jesus…a time of reflecting on Jesus’ roles. And then the question “Where was I when I was not in Thy mind with Thee?” How often my choices warrant that question!
#40 It is incredible how many ways St. Louis shows that devotion to Mary (and then devotion to Jesus) is necessary for our salvation. #44 He says how we receive many graces from Mary when giving everything over to her. #50 We have to know her in order to seek her. Must pray daily for the gift of true devotion. #54 Mary will always expose Satan’s plots and guard us from him. What a Mother she is!
Paragraph 61 First Truth: Jesus is the last end of devotion to Mary: St. Louis stated that every one of us who is not united to Jesus “shall be fit only to be cast into the fire.” #62 Devotion to Mary is the means of our serving Jesus and loving Him. #67 As St. Louis prays to Jesus he mentions the many titles of Jesus…a time of reflecting on Jesus’ roles. And then the question “Where was I when I was not in Thy mind with Thee?” How often my choices warrant that question!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Carmela - absolutely continuing :o)
Thanks Ruth for your email - I too am behind but definitely still "with us". I didn't want to post anything from paragraphs in the 60's when we're in the 80's. Maybe we could have a catach-up day or two in the middle of the week and perhaps meet at paragraph 80 something? I love the readings and all the blogs - it was the perfect choice for Lent. Perhaps Our Lady can teach me spiritual speed reading!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Reading List #3
As with many of you, I am behind on my readings and meditations. Catch-up as you can and do post to let us know that you are still "with us".
I am behind yet I find that this blog is challenging me to keep going when it would be so easy to put the book on the shelf as another half read book. I want what Jesus and Mary will surely gift me with if I continue in my effort to give my whole self to Jesus through and with Mary. Let us continue........
Here is Reading List #3
Monday, April 11 par. 78 -79
Tuesday, April 12 par. 80-82
Wednesday, April 13 Application Questions p. 73-74
Thursday, April 14 par. 83-86
Friday, April 15, Application Questions p. 77
Saturday, April 16 par. 87-89
Sunday, April 17 Application Questions p. 80
Monday, April 18 par 90-91
Tuesday, April 19 Application Questions p. 82
Wednesday, April 20 par 92-95
Thursday, April 21 par. 96-100
Friday, April 22 par. 101-104
Saturday, April 23 Application Questions p. 89
Sunday, April 24 (Reflection and Catch-up Day)
Monday, April 25 par 105-107
Tuesday, April 26 par 108
Wednesday, April 27 par. 109-111
Thursday, April 28 par. 112-114
Friday, April 29 Application Questions p. 100
Saturday, April 30 par 115-117
Sunday, May 1 application Questions p. 103-104
May you be blessed as you put for the effort to continue on this adventure to walk with Jesus and Mary.
I am behind yet I find that this blog is challenging me to keep going when it would be so easy to put the book on the shelf as another half read book. I want what Jesus and Mary will surely gift me with if I continue in my effort to give my whole self to Jesus through and with Mary. Let us continue........
Here is Reading List #3
Monday, April 11 par. 78 -79
Tuesday, April 12 par. 80-82
Wednesday, April 13 Application Questions p. 73-74
Thursday, April 14 par. 83-86
Friday, April 15, Application Questions p. 77
Saturday, April 16 par. 87-89
Sunday, April 17 Application Questions p. 80
Monday, April 18 par 90-91
Tuesday, April 19 Application Questions p. 82
Wednesday, April 20 par 92-95
Thursday, April 21 par. 96-100
Friday, April 22 par. 101-104
Saturday, April 23 Application Questions p. 89
Sunday, April 24 (Reflection and Catch-up Day)
Monday, April 25 par 105-107
Tuesday, April 26 par 108
Wednesday, April 27 par. 109-111
Thursday, April 28 par. 112-114
Friday, April 29 Application Questions p. 100
Saturday, April 30 par 115-117
Sunday, May 1 application Questions p. 103-104
May you be blessed as you put for the effort to continue on this adventure to walk with Jesus and Mary.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Ruth ... update
Greetings everyone!
Thank you for keeping this blog going during my two week absence.
After attending our son's wedding last week in Pennsylvania and returning home we have had them as company for several days on their way back to Colorado. Bryan and Heather are waiting until fall to take an official honeymoon because their "busy" time at work starts now.
It was so nice to center on family. I stepped back from everything and am so glad that I could.
My computer died yesterday so now I have to use my brother's to access the blog and email.
I hope to start reading the book and posts again this weekend.
Again, let us know how you are doing with the book, continue or being posting and know that your posting helps others.
I am rejoicing in the blessing of family and friends while wanting to get refocused.
Thank you for keeping this blog going during my two week absence.
After attending our son's wedding last week in Pennsylvania and returning home we have had them as company for several days on their way back to Colorado. Bryan and Heather are waiting until fall to take an official honeymoon because their "busy" time at work starts now.
It was so nice to center on family. I stepped back from everything and am so glad that I could.
My computer died yesterday so now I have to use my brother's to access the blog and email.
I hope to start reading the book and posts again this weekend.
Again, let us know how you are doing with the book, continue or being posting and know that your posting helps others.
I am rejoicing in the blessing of family and friends while wanting to get refocused.
Janette: Side note
I am not meaning to 'overdo' my comments - but trying to honor Ruth's encouragement to us in her March 16th note - "To check in or post once a week" Might this echo encourage you to do the same... I really do merit greatly from reading others' comments....
Janette: Jesus is the last end of all our devotions (Par 60 - 64)
I am about a week behind in the readings but at the same time am not experiencing a sense to rush - Each section is worth the savor! Chapter II - as much as I have read so far - is a GEM!
Living outside the Catholic Church for a decade +, then returning to the Church, one of my trepidations was having a relationship with Mary - at the expense of my already seemingly strong relationship with Jesus. This First Truth described by St Louis would have brought my quivering heart to peace - and actually, in a deeper sense, does that today! He says, "...solid devotion to our Blessed Lady...establishes more perfectly devotion to Jesus Christ, and ... an easy and secure means of finding Jesus Christ. If devotion to Our Lady removed us from Jesus Christ, we should have to reject it as an illusion of the devil..." (62)
St Louis' insights are timeless - Par 64 - where he speaks directly to Jesus and laments about Catholic Christians - even the teachers among them - who speak rarely of Mary, are dry, indifferent. He connects something else... "...all the while these teachers are without piety or tender devotion toward Thyself, simply because they have none for Mary." He ends the Paragraph with nine heart-wrenching and rhetorical questions to Our Lord. It is a precious and intimate passage to read and consider.... One really gains a sense of depth of love of St Louis - first, for Our Lord - which is most undoubtedly ever-strengthened through love of Our Lady. Whew - to gain such a heart!
Living outside the Catholic Church for a decade +, then returning to the Church, one of my trepidations was having a relationship with Mary - at the expense of my already seemingly strong relationship with Jesus. This First Truth described by St Louis would have brought my quivering heart to peace - and actually, in a deeper sense, does that today! He says, "...solid devotion to our Blessed Lady...establishes more perfectly devotion to Jesus Christ, and ... an easy and secure means of finding Jesus Christ. If devotion to Our Lady removed us from Jesus Christ, we should have to reject it as an illusion of the devil..." (62)
St Louis' insights are timeless - Par 64 - where he speaks directly to Jesus and laments about Catholic Christians - even the teachers among them - who speak rarely of Mary, are dry, indifferent. He connects something else... "...all the while these teachers are without piety or tender devotion toward Thyself, simply because they have none for Mary." He ends the Paragraph with nine heart-wrenching and rhetorical questions to Our Lord. It is a precious and intimate passage to read and consider.... One really gains a sense of depth of love of St Louis - first, for Our Lord - which is most undoubtedly ever-strengthened through love of Our Lady. Whew - to gain such a heart!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Corrine, paragraphs 25 to 34
Paragraph 25
Mary received all the gifts of the Holy Spirit…and she dispenses the gifts by her choosing. “This heavenly privilege—dispenser of grace—is the fruit of the humility God found in Mary.” When I read this, I thought…if only I was more humble….what mission would God be able to accomplish through me? When I stick with the pride…I am a roadblock to that mission, rather than how Mary was-- the handmaid of the Lord. And like Carmela said…. ‘think about how God would love to trust us with more.’ By our unholiness….nonsaintliness, we hold God back. He and His Mother are anxiously, but patiently, waiting for us to “get it” and act like children of God!
Paragraph 28
When our soul is full of self-conceit and self-preoccupation….there is not room for grace, for God’s love. “As we live this lifestyle [of true devotion] we seek daily to be humble and to accept humiliations as part of our formation in sanctity---that God may empower us with His grace.” I surely am in formation and need a hit on the side of the head quite often!
Paragraph 31
If we cooperate and respond to grace, Mary will lead us along the narrow path toward the Kingdom of God, govern us in observance of the commandments, defend us from Satan. I am just amazed at the power Mary our Mother has in our salvation journey.
Paragraph 33
Yes, Carmela, this is comforting…..…in order to be conformed to the image of God…we are hidden in the womb of Mary…guarded from Satan, nourished on the Word of God, brought up in the practice of virtues, and made to grow through the Sacraments…until our day of birth into eternity….. Wow, what a Mother we have! I surely have not been giving her credit for all she is.
Paragraph 34
“The Holy Spirit wants Mary to form chosen souls and He aids her…” “Mary leads the soul in virtue and holiness.” Then St. Louis mentions her virtues…..faith, humility, mortification, prayer, charity, hope, purity. As if these aren’t enough….I think of her patience and her blind obedience, and her courage (as Carmela mentioned). From this I want to quote the last of commentary of paragraph 35 “How much we have to learn in the school of Mary, whose textbook is the life of Jesus Himself!” Oh, do I ever have “homework” to do!! Then in paragraph 36………. “When the Holy Spirit finds in a man’s or woman’s soul Mary’s virtues and a devotion to her, He communicates His gifts to that soul in measure to which that person is devoted to her. St. Michael, defend me in this battle with my weaknesses; Mary help my heart to be open; Father, Son and Holy Spirit praise to you for all you keep providing.
Application Question…#5 What do I do with those who show contempt for Our Lady or for my devotion to her? The first thing that came to mind, in paragraph 30…He who has not Mary for his Mother has not God for his Father… I need to pray for these people…and pray that I have the courage to speak up.
I need to pray the Humility prayer daily!
I recently read this in The Power of the Cross…: ASK..What temptations do I find hardest to resist? How might this reveal God’s intended purpose for me: SEEK..Reject sin. Learn to see in your temptations a perversion of God’s plan for you. Try to discern what it is that God might be calling you to do by looking at the areas of your life where you are most tempted.
Mary received all the gifts of the Holy Spirit…and she dispenses the gifts by her choosing. “This heavenly privilege—dispenser of grace—is the fruit of the humility God found in Mary.” When I read this, I thought…if only I was more humble….what mission would God be able to accomplish through me? When I stick with the pride…I am a roadblock to that mission, rather than how Mary was-- the handmaid of the Lord. And like Carmela said…. ‘think about how God would love to trust us with more.’ By our unholiness….nonsaintliness, we hold God back. He and His Mother are anxiously, but patiently, waiting for us to “get it” and act like children of God!
Paragraph 28
When our soul is full of self-conceit and self-preoccupation….there is not room for grace, for God’s love. “As we live this lifestyle [of true devotion] we seek daily to be humble and to accept humiliations as part of our formation in sanctity---that God may empower us with His grace.” I surely am in formation and need a hit on the side of the head quite often!
Paragraph 31
If we cooperate and respond to grace, Mary will lead us along the narrow path toward the Kingdom of God, govern us in observance of the commandments, defend us from Satan. I am just amazed at the power Mary our Mother has in our salvation journey.
Paragraph 33
Yes, Carmela, this is comforting…..…in order to be conformed to the image of God…we are hidden in the womb of Mary…guarded from Satan, nourished on the Word of God, brought up in the practice of virtues, and made to grow through the Sacraments…until our day of birth into eternity….. Wow, what a Mother we have! I surely have not been giving her credit for all she is.
Paragraph 34
“The Holy Spirit wants Mary to form chosen souls and He aids her…” “Mary leads the soul in virtue and holiness.” Then St. Louis mentions her virtues…..faith, humility, mortification, prayer, charity, hope, purity. As if these aren’t enough….I think of her patience and her blind obedience, and her courage (as Carmela mentioned). From this I want to quote the last of commentary of paragraph 35 “How much we have to learn in the school of Mary, whose textbook is the life of Jesus Himself!” Oh, do I ever have “homework” to do!! Then in paragraph 36………. “When the Holy Spirit finds in a man’s or woman’s soul Mary’s virtues and a devotion to her, He communicates His gifts to that soul in measure to which that person is devoted to her. St. Michael, defend me in this battle with my weaknesses; Mary help my heart to be open; Father, Son and Holy Spirit praise to you for all you keep providing.
Application Question…#5 What do I do with those who show contempt for Our Lady or for my devotion to her? The first thing that came to mind, in paragraph 30…He who has not Mary for his Mother has not God for his Father… I need to pray for these people…and pray that I have the courage to speak up.
I need to pray the Humility prayer daily!
I recently read this in The Power of the Cross…: ASK..What temptations do I find hardest to resist? How might this reveal God’s intended purpose for me: SEEK..Reject sin. Learn to see in your temptations a perversion of God’s plan for you. Try to discern what it is that God might be calling you to do by looking at the areas of your life where you are most tempted.
Janette: Par 55-58 - lifestyle of true devotion and considerations in re: priests
I am first thinking of the WEDDING DAY today! Oh, happy day!!!! All glory be to God in the day and in the witness of the marriage itself throughout the years! Congratulations, Ruth, mother of the groom!
This book blog has been fuel for one of the deepest Lenten seasons I have entered and lived - for I have recognized a deep chasm of where I am - and where I am to go. Rather than panic I hold peace. Thank you, Mary, for allowing the graces of the Peace of Christ to enter... and rest in my soul. Thank you to all in this group for your heartfelt insights and challenges!
Par 55: "...God wishes that His holy Mother should be at present more known, more loved, more honored than she ever has been." The soul that senses this must be dedicated to this as a LIFESTYLE. St Louis unfolds the benefits of living in this way of true devotion - Pg 50-51 - Fr Harlow delineates them - the pinnacle, of course, is a "greater focus on Jesus".
Par 56-58: Emphasis on priests as especially chosen as apostles of Mary. This section is RICH, RICH, RICH! Priests submitting to greater purification will benefit with greater union with the Lord and His Will - and "kindle the fire of divine love everywhere". Their preaching will gain a missionary zeal. A priest obtains special graces from Mary and enabled to preach with a 'new tongue', unveiling the Word of God and the Word-made-Flesh. Mary forms him differently due to a priest's unique mission and also his unique comformity to Jesus. There is an ensuing charism of miracles and a new power in priestly work. All this due to the Holy Spirit recognizing a priest who is dedicated to Mary - and thus wants to reside and act in that soul more fully (recurrent theme). There is so much more in these paragraphs...
A summary line by Fr Harlow (pg 53): "The priest's soul having already gone through the ontological change at ordination in order to be 'in persona Christi' now receives additional graces through his consecration to Jesus through Mary such that Mary protects his priestly identitiy as much as she protected the life of Jesus in His infancy."
Thus my greatest support to any priest? Continued encouragement to be consecrated to Jesus through Mary - and prayer to enliven that lifestyle of true devotion. When I experience disillusionment by a preist's action or words - may I begin my prayers in seeking the counsel and help of Mary - and trusting the unique and specific formation she desires for each of her priest-sons. Holy Mary, may your tender and knowing motherly ways continue to form holy and generous priests for the good of the Church. Amen.
This book blog has been fuel for one of the deepest Lenten seasons I have entered and lived - for I have recognized a deep chasm of where I am - and where I am to go. Rather than panic I hold peace. Thank you, Mary, for allowing the graces of the Peace of Christ to enter... and rest in my soul. Thank you to all in this group for your heartfelt insights and challenges!
Par 55: "...God wishes that His holy Mother should be at present more known, more loved, more honored than she ever has been." The soul that senses this must be dedicated to this as a LIFESTYLE. St Louis unfolds the benefits of living in this way of true devotion - Pg 50-51 - Fr Harlow delineates them - the pinnacle, of course, is a "greater focus on Jesus".
Par 56-58: Emphasis on priests as especially chosen as apostles of Mary. This section is RICH, RICH, RICH! Priests submitting to greater purification will benefit with greater union with the Lord and His Will - and "kindle the fire of divine love everywhere". Their preaching will gain a missionary zeal. A priest obtains special graces from Mary and enabled to preach with a 'new tongue', unveiling the Word of God and the Word-made-Flesh. Mary forms him differently due to a priest's unique mission and also his unique comformity to Jesus. There is an ensuing charism of miracles and a new power in priestly work. All this due to the Holy Spirit recognizing a priest who is dedicated to Mary - and thus wants to reside and act in that soul more fully (recurrent theme). There is so much more in these paragraphs...
A summary line by Fr Harlow (pg 53): "The priest's soul having already gone through the ontological change at ordination in order to be 'in persona Christi' now receives additional graces through his consecration to Jesus through Mary such that Mary protects his priestly identitiy as much as she protected the life of Jesus in His infancy."
Thus my greatest support to any priest? Continued encouragement to be consecrated to Jesus through Mary - and prayer to enliven that lifestyle of true devotion. When I experience disillusionment by a preist's action or words - may I begin my prayers in seeking the counsel and help of Mary - and trusting the unique and specific formation she desires for each of her priest-sons. Holy Mary, may your tender and knowing motherly ways continue to form holy and generous priests for the good of the Church. Amen.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Par 27 - App Questions
Par 27 I see why Mary has been called Mystical Rose - as Song of Songs refers to her as the "enclosed Garden" of God - how beautiful! Mary "being transformed into God by grace.......she asks nothing, wishes nothing, does nothing contrary to the will of God" - God can trust her with ANYTHING. He doesn't have to be concerned with Mary having self-love or motivations that will be to her benefit. It made me think about how God would love to trust us with more and how we too are gently called by Him to let go of ourselves and seek ONLY His desires. I find myself falling more and more into Mary, with a deep longing for healing of those things that cause me to want what I want sometimes, rather than what He may want. In praying about this, I thought of the gift of courage that Mary had in order to carry out His will - it couldn't have been easy for her as she had to endure so much her whole life - yet, never said "no" to Him because, in our modern day language, they were infinitely "on the same page" - I pray for the gift of deeper courage and that our desire to be one with His Will will be granted us through the intercession of the most perfect Mystical Rose. Par 28 & 29...."God has empowered her and commissioned her to fill with saints the empty thrones from which the apostate angels fell by pride" WOW! She wants to make us saints!! - that we may glorify God by imitating her "virtues in the lifestyle of true devotion" by seeking daily "to be humble and to accept humiliations." I love how the author writes that God the Father desires "to create new children by Mary's spiritual maternity" - it just makes such perfect sense that He would allow Mary to grow us up! These writings are so beautiful that they can only be taken in by the heart and not the head. Par 33...I love how St. Louis quotes from St. Augustine saying that in order to be conformed to the image of the Son of God we have to be hidden in Mary's womb where we are "guarded, nourished, brought up and made to grow......until she has brought them forth to glory after death" - this makes me feel very safe and cared for by Mary - that she doesn't stop taking care of me, no matter how dense I can be sometimes - it gives me a tangible sense that all is well, as I try to live out true devotion. Summary of App questions: I never looked at Mary as the "Treasure of the Lord" because I really didn't know her so I never went to her for help - she was always "somewhere" in the background but there was no real depth in my relationship with her. I've alway wanted more - to love her but it just never seemed real. It has only been the past 12 years or so that she continues to become more and more real for me. I never could have imagined how good it could be. 6) How do I thank God for giving me such a good mother? I thank Him every day for the total healing He has done in my heart of a violent childhood which had kept me at a distance from Mary and God the Father - it has been a real miracle for me - first with the Father, then Mary. I can't imagine how I ever existed before. 10) How am I growing in my lifestyle to true devotion? I am becoming more aware, daily, of those things that are contrary to Mary such as lack of humility, harshness rather than gentleness, not wanting to be forgotten or unknown. I have found that I call on her immediately in those times and she remains gentle and consoling. I talk about her a lot more because there's a confidence in her that I never had making talking about her very natural. Trying to remember to call upon St. Michael more - that one's not too easy for me to remember! This book/blog has opened up a river of prayer with a limitless sense of the Goodness of God and Mary. I am very grateful.
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