Before reading this section I just did not make the connection…..that my sins are a violation of my baptismal promises. I knew Baptism was important…but somehow that was done many! years ago and then this is now. I did not “get” the connection with the now.
1. How do I live every day with Jesus as my Master and Lord? Has my baptism truly changed my life? (another examination of conscience question)
St. Louis says that each Christian (parag 126) “has in his Baptism…solemnly renounced Satan, his pomps, and his works; and he has taken Jesus Christ for his Master and Sovereign Lord to depend upon Him in the quality of a slave of love.” My baptism has not truly changed my life…yet. Workin on it!
(parag. 129) The Catechism of the Council of Trent says “that we should devote and consecrate ourselves forever to our Redeemer and Lord as His very slave.” Fr. Harlow says we owe everything to Jesus, by virtue of our baptism.
5. How does the practice of true devotion make more effective my prayers for my relatives…?
We pray with more confidence when we pass all things through Mary’s hands. Our trust and surrender to her through this lifestyle of true devotion obtains many more graces. Mary’s prayer to Jesus is way more powerful that our prayer. And…she knows His will.
How will my consecration to Mary aid me after death?
Consecration to Mary helps me because of the constant conversion from sin and the growth in virtue. My ‘giving away’ of merits does not hurt me.
After reading this section….I want to check out the Catholic Catechism…on Baptism.
Mary and us do all things by-with-in-for you.
Back in parag 109..."But when he falls, he rises again by stretching out his hand to his good Mother."
This morning when I read the Act of Consecration at adoration...I was reminded again...the connection... my sins violating my Baptismal promises. Do I blame short term memory...or my lack of commitment.....
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