Monday, February 28, 2011

Ruth - Ash Wednesday - Blog begins

I will be working on getting the blog invitations sent out this week.  To join this blog, if you have not already done so, please send me an email with your name and email address or post a comment here with that information and this week you will receive an official invition to be a member/author on this blog.  Don't sign up as a "friend" of the blog but as an author or member of the blog so that you can post.

Contact me if you have ANY trouble getting "connected."  We want everyone to enjoy this blogging experience and to grow in their love for Jesus through Mary.

The book blog will probably extend beyond Lent but should enrich our Lenten journey.

Once you are a blog member you can start posting but please don't post ahead of the group.  You can always write your blog when you do your readings, save it as a draft and then post it when we get to that part of the book.  I say this because some people like to read ahead.

So buy your book, read the introduction before Ash Wednesday, say your daily rosary and please pray for all who particiapte in the blog.


1 comment:

N.O. said...

I would love to join your blog.
Gisela Barry