Friday, March 11, 2011

Ruth - Application Questions p. 15

Question #3:  Like Corrine mentioned in her post, I find the need to pray the Litany of Humility by Cardinal Merry del Val. It is one that helps me focus on Jesus, the humility of Mary and is a good examination before Confession.

Question #4:  How do I practice silence both internally and externally?
     Noise is always in and around each of us.  The radio, TV, and inside our minds all contribute to lack of focus on the things of God.  I find for myself that I am called to externally limit the noise. I like to have the news on while doing housework. I like talk radio in the car.  .... but all are fleeting.  The internal noise is also distracting. As Corrine mentioned, in the last book, it talked about replacing interior noise with more interior God talk. Both are difficult. My interior mind jabber is as distracting as the exterior noise but I find that if I try to repeat over and over short prayers or scripture quotes I have something to keep coming back to.  I can't solve my problems with my interior jabber but I can turn them over with interior prayer.  I can praise with interior prayer rather than noise and praise is something we so often neglect.

Question #6: In the world but not of it ..... Anyone who is totally committed to live their faith is on their way to being in but not of the world. But even thought my priorities are to live my faith I still struggle with things like "simple living", reacting in love rather than resentment, alligning my mind with the mind of the Church rather than the world. It is harder than it sounds but part of living our faith.  Even turning to Mary is counter cultural and part of living in but not of the world.

Question #7:  St. Micahel ... Our pastor has us all saying, with him, the St. Michael prayer after the closing prayer at Mass. I need to think of Mary more when I pray that prayer daily.

Question #8:  Our parish is St. Mary's so my own parish is dedicated to Mary.  I love to visit Our Lady of Guadualope Shrine in LaCrosse, WI which is only 3 hours from here. When in New York I love to visit St. Anne's (Mary's mom's) Shrine in Vertmont.  I had looked into becoming a lay carmelite but that did not work out.  I find that over the last few years Mary is surrounding me with reminders of her presence.


Corrine said...

In being not of the world...and you mentioned...react in love rather than resentment. That is a hard one for me also...I guess it is my pride, thinking I "deserve" better treatment or comments from someone. I think of how Jesus did not snap back at those who scourged Him or those who crowned him with thorns and mocked him. I couldn't have kept quiet. He loved His Father and us so much that he did it without fighting it. Praised be Jesus Christ!

Carol said...

On internal jabber: that's my mind for sure. I am still trying to conquer the ability to meditate. My mind wanders on such mindless things. I keep praying for a break thru in this area. I am doing a little better on the external jabber. So easy to get caught up in useless gossip at work.

Anonymous said...

I am always having to refocus ... from wasted time thinking/planning, etc. during prayer time but occasionally the Lord actually gives me ideas and guidance during those times of "distraction".
I hate when I find myself talking to myself rather than talk and listening with and to our God.