Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tom: Reflections - Par. 14-21

These paragraphs were packed with a lot of meaning for me. ... The perfect humility of our Lord's passion has always gotten my attention and Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" brought that into focus for me dramatically. The insight in paragraph 18 is that Jesus by living for 30 years in humble submission to Mary gave the Father more glory than by Jesus converting the whole world by working miracles. This brings into focus for me the importance of the joy we bring the Father when we humbly submit to Mary in True Devotion to her, as Jesus did.

In par 19 relating to the wedding feast of Cana the question it is asked if the married couple even know the dilemma the couple was in? How many acts of intercession to her Son does our perfect mother Mary do for us, on our behalf, without our knowledge? I intercede for my children daily, even more now than when they were younger. How much more must she, the perfect mother, intercede for us to Jesus without our knowledge and for what we really need, not for just what we think we need. What an awesome reality.

In par 20: The important insight for me here was the mention of the inseparability of the Holy Spirit and Mary, and the fact that the more Mary is in our soul the more the Holy Spirit will operate in it. It is a wonderful through to ponder. This gives increased meaning to the prayer I say often, "Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse."

Finally on page 20 ... At Pentecost the apostles in the upper room had recourse to the Virgins intercession, in order to obtain from the Spirit the capacity for engendering Christ in their own soul. Clearly the more one is devoted to Mary the more one receives the Holy Spirit and His charismatic gifts and virtues. I am starting to get threw my thick skull what a pipeline to holiness True Devotion to Mary is. Praise God!

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