The text of True Devotion appears in italics throughout the book. Following each parapraph is the author's paragraph commentary on what St. Louis is describing. When a paragraph is assigned you will also read the accompanying commentary. At the end of each major section are "Questions for Application" which are intended to aid us in stopping to consider how we can live the lifestyle of true devotion.
For some this book and blog may be your introduction to True Devotion and for others this may be an effort to go deeper in your love for Jesus through our mother, Mary. For all this is a journey to Jesus with and through Mary.
Once a week I will post the reading assignments. If you think we are going to slow or fast let me know but I want to take smaller "chunks" than we did in our last study and I hope that more comments, questions and discussion will occur. Having said that I don't want anyone to feel pressured to post or to hesitate to post. This is your blog, our blog. Let us share our journey growing closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the motherly heart of Mary.
I always suggest that you read and reflect on the assigned reading prior to readig the postings of others on a section so that others don't influence your posting. When you post put you name in the title line and then the section you are posting on so that others can avoid reading it until they have read the section.
Some of you will post alot and some will just be "readers". Here is a note I received about the last blog:
"I didn't contribute to the last blog but I did enjoy the study and reading others blogs. Great learning experience to deepen my faith and understanding." I hope that most of you will post but do what the Spirit leads you. Just remember there is no grading and no right or wrong comments. This is a learning and growing opportunity. Our aim is to help each other grow in our faith and love for the Lord with and through His Mother.
Please post a little introduction and tell us if you have your book.
God bless you.
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