Thursday, April 14, 2011

Corrine: Parag. 61-67

In the process of catching up, I’ll copy & paste this in, parag. 40-54.
#40 It is incredible how many ways St. Louis shows that devotion to Mary (and then devotion to Jesus) is necessary for our salvation. #44 He says how we receive many graces from Mary when giving everything over to her. #50 We have to know her in order to seek her. Must pray daily for the gift of true devotion. #54 Mary will always expose Satan’s plots and guard us from him. What a Mother she is!

Paragraph 61 First Truth: Jesus is the last end of devotion to Mary: St. Louis stated that every one of us who is not united to Jesus “shall be fit only to be cast into the fire.” #62 Devotion to Mary is the means of our serving Jesus and loving Him. #67 As St. Louis prays to Jesus he mentions the many titles of Jesus…a time of reflecting on Jesus’ roles. And then the question “Where was I when I was not in Thy mind with Thee?” How often my choices warrant that question!

1 comment:

ruth said...

#54 Mary will always expose Satan’s plots and guard us from him. .... Wow, do we certainly need this help.