Saturday, April 2, 2011

Corrine, paragraphs 25 to 34

Paragraph 25
Mary received all the gifts of the Holy Spirit…and she dispenses the gifts by her choosing. “This heavenly privilege—dispenser of grace—is the fruit of the humility God found in Mary.” When I read this, I thought…if only I was more humble….what mission would God be able to accomplish through me? When I stick with the pride…I am a roadblock to that mission, rather than how Mary was-- the handmaid of the Lord. And like Carmela said…. ‘think about how God would love to trust us with more.’ By our unholiness….nonsaintliness, we hold God back. He and His Mother are anxiously, but patiently, waiting for us to “get it” and act like children of God!
Paragraph 28
When our soul is full of self-conceit and self-preoccupation….there is not room for grace, for God’s love. “As we live this lifestyle [of true devotion] we seek daily to be humble and to accept humiliations as part of our formation in sanctity---that God may empower us with His grace.” I surely am in formation and need a hit on the side of the head quite often!
Paragraph 31
If we cooperate and respond to grace, Mary will lead us along the narrow path toward the Kingdom of God, govern us in observance of the commandments, defend us from Satan. I am just amazed at the power Mary our Mother has in our salvation journey.
Paragraph 33
Yes, Carmela, this is comforting…..…in order to be conformed to the image of God…we are hidden in the womb of Mary…guarded from Satan, nourished on the Word of God, brought up in the practice of virtues, and made to grow through the Sacraments…until our day of birth into eternity….. Wow, what a Mother we have! I surely have not been giving her credit for all she is.
Paragraph 34
“The Holy Spirit wants Mary to form chosen souls and He aids her…” “Mary leads the soul in virtue and holiness.” Then St. Louis mentions her virtues…, humility, mortification, prayer, charity, hope, purity. As if these aren’t enough….I think of her patience and her blind obedience, and her courage (as Carmela mentioned). From this I want to quote the last of commentary of paragraph 35 “How much we have to learn in the school of Mary, whose textbook is the life of Jesus Himself!” Oh, do I ever have “homework” to do!! Then in paragraph 36………. “When the Holy Spirit finds in a man’s or woman’s soul Mary’s virtues and a devotion to her, He communicates His gifts to that soul in measure to which that person is devoted to her. St. Michael, defend me in this battle with my weaknesses; Mary help my heart to be open; Father, Son and Holy Spirit praise to you for all you keep providing.
Application Question…#5 What do I do with those who show contempt for Our Lady or for my devotion to her? The first thing that came to mind, in paragraph 30…He who has not Mary for his Mother has not God for his Father… I need to pray for these people…and pray that I have the courage to speak up.
I need to pray the Humility prayer daily!
I recently read this in The Power of the Cross…: ASK..What temptations do I find hardest to resist? How might this reveal God’s intended purpose for me: SEEK..Reject sin. Learn to see in your temptations a perversion of God’s plan for you. Try to discern what it is that God might be calling you to do by looking at the areas of your life where you are most tempted.

1 comment:

ruth said...

We all have so much to learn and so far to go in our spiritual journey. This school of Mary, in which we are all participating in, is so helpful. Humility, humility, humility ...jumped out at me which reading your posting. May Mary be our model. “How much we have to learn in the school of Mary, whose textbook is the life of Jesus Himself!”