Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hello! My name is Vaughan- I'm a parishioner at St. Mary (East Dubuque, IL), and live on my parents' farm near Dubuque. I participated in the St Louis De Montfort Consecration to Mary offered at our parish in November/December of last year, and the St Maximillian Kolbe nine-day consecration in February.

Looking forward to growing with you all in completely conforming our lives to Our Blessed Mother.

Mary, seat of Wisdom, pray for us.

1 comment:

ruth said...

Vaugh, I am so glad that you are joining us in this journey. ..."completely conforming our live to Our Blessed Mother" is exactly what I/we strive for. I look forward to this new journey. Mary, Queen of the New Evangelization, guide us and pray for us. Amen.