Monday, March 14, 2011

Ruth: Reflection on par. 17-

par. 17:  We all think about Mary as the mother of Jesus but not enought about Mary as our mother and a mother of the Church.
One of the reasons I am reading and blogging on "Echo of God" that because I want to stay focused on one spirituality. I usually jump around reading this book and that book  and get something out of each but I don't feel as through I am growing deeper in my spiritual journey.  With focusing on Marian spirituality with True Devotion books I hope to plunge deeper into the hearts of Jesus and Mary. God choose Mary as the mother of Jesus. I choose Mary to walk me deeper into the heart of Jesus, as my mother and and spiritual guide.
par. 18:  I focused here on the idea of Jesus pleasing God by being submissive to Mary for so many years.  Should we not do the same?
- My daughter-in-law is pregnant and calls the baby, Shiela, her wombmate. Mary's wombmate, for nine months, was Jesus. Can you imagine that? ...  Jesus is hidden yet still performs a miracle from within the womb. He is hidden still.  Are we hidden when Jesus works in and through us? How do we respond to compliments when we are just as happy to remain hidden. (We touched on this in an earlier post)
I never through of the womb as where Jesus first layed down His life in obedience to the Father's will. Will our hiddenness in Mary truely glorify the Father? On one level, I was looking at True Devotion from what I can get out of it but I love changing my thought to doing it to glorify God.
par. 19:  Did the couple know that they were out of wine and mary came to their rescue?  I like thinking that they did not. How many times has and will Mary silently come to our rescue?
Blogging really helps me slow down my reading and think it through more.  I hope you are also finding that it is helping you in some way.
May Mary guide us all to her "hidden" treasure.

1 comment:

Carmela said...

I totally agree with your comment that we don't think enough "about Mary as our mother" - that is part of the hope and desire of my heart - to "really" see her as my mother in my heart, not just in my head.
I love where you said, "I was looking at True Devotion from what I can get out of it but I love changing my thought to doing it to glorify God." I sometimes forget that that is the sole purpose for all that we do and are - to glorify God - thanks for the great reminder!